

Test Ref Code 0105
Test Name 0105-Cytology Examination, Body Fluids
Method Microscopy of Papanicoloau / MGG stained smears
Specimen Submit Body fluids (Ascitic / Pleural / Pericardial / CSF/ Synovial / Prostatic / Urethral) OR Bronchial washings / Lavage OR Sputum OR second morning Urine specimen OR Nipple discharge in a sterile screw capped container. Mix with equal quantities of 50% alcohol. Alternatively centrifuge, make smears from the deposit and fix in Absolute alcohol for 30 minutes and air dry. Do not allow smears to air dry before fixation. Specimens in syringes are not acceptable. Brief clinical history in Cytology Requisition Form is mandatory.
Cut Off Sample by 4 PM
Reporting Time 3rd Day Evening
MRP 700
Department Pathology

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